Brothers at Heart
The intense combat events unfolding these days and the massacre carried out in the communities surrounding Gaza, have brought tens of thousands of children, adolescents, and adults into a cycle of dealing with trauma. To prevent the development of post-traumatic stress and to strengthen the population in the conflict area, the leadership of IVN has decided to recruit the resources and professional knowledge they have accumulated in the organization over the years to address this vital need.
Project Goal
Our goal in this initiative is to provide funding to schools in the battle area for emotional treatment for students and school staff.
Assistance will be provided immediately to prevent the development of post-traumatic stress, and it will be carried out through significant reinforcement of the psycho-social teams that will provide emotional support to students and educational staff.
How it works?
The initiative provides grants ranging from ₪60,000to ₪180,000 to schools, aiming to provide immediate response on two fronts:
Funding of emotional therapy for individuals and groups of children. The treatments are intended for emergencies and adjusted to the children's age.
Funding for individual and group emotional therapy and training for educational therapeutic teams. The treatment will enable the teams to take care of themselves while simultaneously acquiring tools to cope with trauma in their work with students.
The treatments are provided by a team of social workers and a certified psychology team. The grants are transferred directly to the schools in 3 installments, according to the pace of donations for the project.
IVN leads the initiative in collaboration with the Internal Settlement Education Administration and the Youth Aliyah at the Ministry of Education.
Who are the grants for?
The aid packages are directly given to 18 educational institutions, middle schools, and high schools selected through a mapping and prioritization process by the Internal Settlement Education Administration at the Ministry of Education. These schools have a total of over 10,000 students.
60,000 ₪
to schools with less
than 500 students
120,000 ₪
to schools with 500 –
1,000 students
180,000 ₪
to schools with over
1,000 students

Join and Support the Initiative!
The total cost of the initiative is 1.7 million NIS, and its impact is life-changing. We invite you to join us, to help students in the conflict areas and educational teams find the strength to overcome loss and trauma.
Donations are tax-deductible in Israel under Section 46 and under Section 501(c)(3) in the United States.
Contact us for collaboration and joining:
Aline Kenneth | 054-808-7556 | alinekenneth@gmail.com